Skinflint Publishers Think Actually Employing Writers Is Dumb

Posted on Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023 by Chris Hayner

Featured in this episode of Tech News of the Week

We’ve talked about the many, MANY “news” outlets that have been using AI to write articles, to hilarious (and sometimes dangerous- Mens Journal, I’m looking at you) effect. Well now we can add another one to the list.

Sports Illustrated, of all places, was just outed for not only using AI to create fake content, but using AI to create the entire fake journalist. Drew Ortiz, a fake person who doesn’t exist, was created by SI to cover “all things outdoors.” Problem is, everything he said was AI generated nonsense.

He was emphatic about such sportsy concepts as “learning to play volleyball is hard, especially without a ball.” Nooooo shit. After being pressured by actual journalists for more information, SI flat out deleted Drew Ortiz, and replaced him with NEW correspondent Sora Sonaka, who… drum-roll please… also doesn’t exist.

Good God, people. You can’t get me to Not Be Fooled Again, if you didn’t fool me in the first place.