Raspberry Pi 5 Released

Posted on Sunday, Oct 8, 2023 by Chris Hayner

Featured in this episode of Tech News of the Week

In the world of tiny, tiny, cheap computers, the name that nearly everyone- even non-IT people- know, is Raspberry Pi. They were the first in this market, but as usually happens, that monopoly didn’t last. There are a ton of competitors out there now, and the Pi itself has struggled to compete.

The 4 in particular didn’t exactly impress compared to the market, but the 5 appears to have made a significant step forward. The device now sports compatibility for PCIe devices via an expansion port, CPU/CPU performance that nearly doubles its predecessor, and an elegant and cheap case design that allows for a $5 cooling unit as well as stacking.

The downside here is that in order to maintain peak performance with the 5, that cooling unit is basically a requirement- and the redesign will also make all older cases non-compatible. PoE still requires another add-on, but let’s be honest. Y’all are just plugging this thing into the wall anyway. So, pros and cons, but still pretty cool for a totally functional computer that starts at the low, low price of $60 for the 4gb model. The 8gb, which again let’s be honest is the one you’ll buy, is $80.