Google Domains Is The Latest Killed By Google Victim, Sorta

Posted on Sunday, Jun 25, 2023 by Ned Bellavance

Featured in this episode of Chaos Lever

Are you using Google Domains? Would you be interested in starting a Squarespace subscription to enhance your marketing and reach customers where they are? Why would I ask such a seemingly unrelated question?

Because, if you’re a Google Domains customer, you’re about to be a Squarespace customer, as Advertising Company Google has announced that they are selling their registrar product to Squarespace for an undisclosed amount.

Advertising Company Google is in a bit of an existential dilemma right now, with AI-based search from the likes of Bing threatening to eat into their cash cow. As a quick reminder, we call them Advertising Company Google because about 90% of their revenue comes from putting Ads in front of your eyeballs.

Anything else the company does is ancillary and expendable, as everyone working in Google Domains just discovered. And I suspect we’re not done with the corporate restructuring. Am I a little concerned as a Google Fi customer? Yes. Yes I am.