Featured in this episode of Chaos Lever
Y’all remember the whole ServiceNow hack that kind of broke like a thousand companies? That wasn’t the FIRST Supply Chain type of attack, but it was certainly the earliest high profile one. Well, now we have another one.
MoveIt, a company that sells secure file-transfer software, suffered a major exploit over Memorial Day weekend, and the effects are still being seen. In general, if the software was open to the internet, it was compromisable. And, alas, regularly compromised.
Shodan identified 2,510 possible MoveIt targets. One of them, unfortunately, appears to have been the United States Energy Department. It appears from the press releases that this attack was not as sophisticated as the ServiceNow one, as it was “short-lived,” and “caught quickly.”
There’s no definitive list of information that was compromised but, it’s yet another reminder of the number one axiom of internet-facing anything: Patch. Your. Shit. and also look into ZeroTrust.
UPDATE: Another victim of the MoveIt hack appears to be Antivirus and privacy company NortonLifelock. So that’s kinda ironical. Don’tcha think? Wonder what they’ll offer to victims 😜.