Featured in this episode of Chaos Lever
This just in from the “God I hate being right all the time” department: Teslas are like, super dangerous, the company knows about it and doesn’t seem to care. A whistleblower within Tesla leaked approximately 100GB of internal company data related to customer complaints over the period of 2015 to 2022, and boy howdy. It does not make the ol’ musker’s absentee fratboy landlord style of leadership look good.
The so called Tesla Files contain more than 2,400 self-acceleration complaints, 1,500 braking function problems, and 1,000 crashes. The leaked files also show that Tesla directs its employees to only communicate verbally about complaints so there’s no written documentation.
The incidents all relate to the “helpful” automatic systems that make the car move or stop without the driver pressing a pedal. It’s cool though, they’re all probably still in beta. Things keep looking worse for Tesla corporate, as this report comes fast on the heels of a report that shows Tesla miscategorizing employee injuries in order to keep their reported numbers low.