Move Over Shadow IT, Here Comes Shadow GPT

Posted on Saturday, May 27, 2023 by Ned Bellavance

Featured in this episode of Chaos Lever

In a move that absolutely no one will circumvent immediately, Apple has banned the internal use of ChatGPT and similar products, thereby proving it has learned nothing from its own success. What do I mean?

For those of you who don’t remember, there was a time before iPhones where all devices were owned and managed by central IT. Then iPhones hit, people looked on their Blackberries with disgust, and the great circumvention began. While central IT tried to fight the invasion of mobile devices outside of their purview, the effort was doomed from the start. Rather than fight the technology, most organizations chose to adopt a bring-your-own-device policy with enforcement tools like MDM and MAM to try and contain corporate owned data.

Apple’s main concern is that the self-same corporate data could be leaked through tools like ChatGPT, and once again we will have mass circumvention of the policy because people want to get shit done, and ChatGPT helps with that. I predict we’ll see an influx of ChatGPT-like solutions that aim to protect corporate data in the same vein as MDM or MAM, in fact ChatGPT already has a Business version they plan to roll out shortly.